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I recently returned from a wonderful week (June 23–30) on Star Island, NH, for the annual IRAS (Institute on Religion in an Age of Science) conference which covered a variety of topics relevant to the theme: “Habitability for  Your Cosmic Future: AstroAnthropology Meets AstroEthics.”

Alongside, several other scientists, philosophers, and theologians, I was invited to give a plenary lecture on some of my recent research on extraterrestrial life from process philosophical/theological perspectives. My talk was adventurously titled: “Extraterrestrial Metaphysics in Process Perspective: Implications of Our Anthropocosmic Nature” and looked to the relevance of Whitehead, Teilhard, Hartshorne, and a variety of others to recent discussions and debates.

The audience was lively and fun and I enjoyed an evening interview with the astrophysicist Jennifer Wiseman. Other conference speakers included Seth Shostak, Ted Peters, Lucas Mix, and Shoab Malik—all stellar human beings and scholars. A variety of other papers were also accepted for presentation by different authors and scholars. Conference papers/presentations will be published in an upcoming issue of the Zygon Journal of Science and Religion which has long been tied to Star Island.

Star Island itself is a profoundly beautiful and peaceful place. Scarcely have I enjoyed a more serene conference venue (and I especially enjoyed the 7am polar plunge in the Atlantic). The IRAS community is lovely and I’m happy to have made a number of new friends with whom I anticipate rich collaboration in the future. Of particular note in this regard is the likelihood of my co-chairing the 2027 IRAS conference on topics yet to be decided.

To learn more about IRAS and Star Island check out their website and consider becoming a member to get involved.

As always, stay tuned for the more from me.


Dr. Davis

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